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Kicking is set in Monti Pisani and the surrounding Valley, Monte Serra called Valgraziosa. The municipality is about 10 km from Pisa and is home to the majestic monastery, today the Museum of natural history.


Montescudaio, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, is a town in the province of Pisa about 1.800 people. Rich in history, and even more in traditions tied to the territory of the Costa degli Etruschi

San Giuliano Terme

San Giuliano, territory with a strong vocation for tourism, is part of the province of Pisa. It is known mainly renowned Spa from which water springs mineral water.

San Miniato

San Miniato, municipality located along the Via Francigena, is set between Pisa and Florence. It is characterized by the many historic buildings that enrich the town.


Vecchiano, Pisa, is rich in natural and unspoiled landscapes. Notable is the coastal area that stretches for 4 km inside the natural park of Migliarino San Rossore Massaciuccoli.