the store of
Cooperativa Agricola Montemercole is an agricultural producer of cured meats and cheeses that lies between the mountains of Tuscany, in the town of Anghiari.
Background to the cooperative makes a wild and rugged landscape that, precisely because of its nature, the company allows the animals to breathe fresh air every day.
The breeding of cinta senese pigs and gray takes place in an outdoor setting that gives the meat a genuine taste and totally unmistakable. The meats that they produce, being handled and processed with purely natural methods are free of dyes, preservatives and additives.
The red and Brown-spotted cows, and sheep, sardines and comisane are chosen and trained to give a high quality milk, enriched of essences of mountain meadows where grazing animals. This type of milk, natural and healthy, allows the cooperative to produce in their dairy raw milk cheese: that is only possible with this type of milk.
Specialties by the cooperative can be purchased in the Bottega di Montemercole, the store in the Centre of Arezzo in Via Antonio Guadagnoli 57/59 also features a small kitchen where typical Tuscan dishes are prepared based on daily fresh products.