Firenzuola, village in the heart of the Tuscan-romagnolo Apennines can offer breathtaking landscapes ranging from the quarries of sandstone, which is very appreciated by Brunelleschi, to the waters of the river.
Marradi is a country of the metropolitan city of Florence. In the frame of the Mugello from which it draws his/her most distant cultural origins, this place ties its name to the chestnut IGP and to the exceptional specialities that they derive of it.
Palazzuolo on Senio is a small village of the metropolitan city of Florence. Nestled in the pristine green of Mugello, is full of beautiful buildings that connect to illustrious personages of Italian literature.
Scarperia e San Piero has an ancient history despite being born in 2014. Coming of Scarperia, one of the most beautiful villages of Italy, and San Piero headquarters of Villa del Trebbio is a UNESCO World Heritage site.e