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For an unforgettable coffee break, in Val d'Elsa, in the streets of the village of Poggibonsi is the Torrefazione Willis.
Ancient knowledge to the roasting process that 30 years is grown by Willis, together with the production of high quality confectionery and chocolate.
The search for the right balance between taste, flavors and fragrances is a daily imperative and balancing of single origins an art.
The roasting process to roasting Willis is accurate and without haste in order to dedicate the beans all the attention they need, but for a good coffee it starts fromcareful selection of raw materials.
High quality single origin beans expertly blended to return the intense aroma and unmistakable that only artisan coffee can give.
For some real pampering leisure and wet your appetite, the Torrefazione Willis is also chocolate and pastry in its laboratories by via Senese 91, will produce chocolate and all the sweets of the Tuscan tradition such as the Panforte Margherita, the Ricciarelli and the classic and timeless cantuccini.