Pescia, medieval town in the province of Pistoia, is capital of the Valdinievole. The districts of the Municipality are known as "fifths" and the old town is full of historical buildings. Today the area is known for its horticulture and nurseries.
The city was founded by the Lombards and was occupied by the city-state of Lucca, which rebelled against paying by the destruction in 1281. It was rebuilt five years later and came under the Dominion of Florence in 1339. Due to its strategic position was contested from Lucca and Florence during the middle ages. Prosperity with silkworm breeding and cultivation of Mulberry plants, necessary for the development of this species of butterfly. Became known and prospered with this trade until the end of 1800.
The Cathedral has a fine campanile of 1306. "Biblioteca capitolare" retains sculptures and works of 1400 and 1500 and also manuscripts, incunabula and manuscripts.
In the original gothic "Chiesa di San Francesco", there is a chapel is attributed to Andrea Cavalcanti and frescoes by Bicci di Lorenzo. In the nearby "Chiesa di San Antonio Abate", 1300, are frescoes and a wooden group of 200. In the characteristic "Piazza Martini" overlook "oratorio della Madonna di Piè di Piazza" and "Palazzo dei Vicari".
The Museum houses works of the Tuscan school from 300 to 500 while in 13th century ' Palazzo del Podestà is the gipsoteca Libero Andreotti sculptor. The history of the area is illustrated by the Civic Museum of natural science and archaeology of Valdinievole. Instead "Museo civico di scienze naturali e archeologia" preserves Etruscan archeological finds and collects materials from the region, Egyptians and Romans.
Traditions and typical products
Its capital is famous for the production of flowers, is also renowned for its olive oil and vegetables. In the present case are fine the green asparagus and big dogs and "fagioli bianchi di Sorana", which are cooked in the crock pot.
Photo Credits [tvl.it]