Montecatini Terme is a spa of Valdinievole among the most renowned in Europe with significant facilities, located at the northern border of the basin once occupied by marshes of Fucecchio. Already in medieval times knew the curative properties of its waters and around 1400 arose the first systems, strengthened in 1700. It wasn't until 1800 that the fame of Montecatini was revived on an international scale.
The eight richest sources are mainly used for drinking cure (drink), but also for balneotherapy, mud baths and inhalations. Beutiful spas Park divides the city: the western part is the most modern and elegant, to the East, however, lies the oldest part.
Beutiful spas Park develops greenery and flowers rise the various buildings that make up the complex. L' Excelsior of 1915, in liberty style, the Terme Leopoldine in 1700 and the sumptuous Roof built in 1927.
The Academy of art is a museum with works of modern and contemporary art, a historical section and a collection of models and casts of medals. Upstream of the thermal park is the Park of Panteraie, from where you can enjoy a beautiful panorama.
The nearby Montecatini Alto can be reached by a funicular or a scenic route. The town preserves the remains of the medieval castle, the parish Chiesa di San Pietro and, in the square, a small chapel with fresco of 1300.
Traditions and Typical products
Sweets of Montecatini Terme are the "pods" that are produced, since 1950, only by a few local artisan bakeries. The "cialde" of Montecatini was included in the list of traditional agricultural products by the Ministry of agriculture.
Photo Credits [viaggiandointoscana.it]