
International Week of Kindness

Florence Film Festival

From 30 June to July, in Florence, the first Festival dell'Italia Gentile is held, aimed at deepening the theme of Kindness in the most diverse areas, from communication to politics to the relationship with nature, health, food, economy, science and care, art and culture, education and business.

The Tuscan capital, with the signing of the Manifesto delle Città Gentili, adheres to the national collective movement Italia Gentile, a project of the My Life Design ONLUS volunteer association promoted by the bestselling author and international reference in the wellness sciences Daniel Lumera.

This event is one of the first concrete initiatives that confirm the commitment of the municipal administration of Florence in the implementation of projects with high social impact for the benefit of the territory, to spread in the community a "biology of values" that includes kindness, happiness, forgiveness, optimism and gratitude.

The event is scheduled from 30 June to 4 July and is promoted by the Municipality of Florence and the My Life Design ONLUS Association, in collaboration with the Regional Council of Tuscany – Tuscany Region, Associazione TuttoèVita ONLUS, APAB; organized by MUS.E.

Wednesday, June 30th there will be the Preview of the International Week of Kindness that will kick off a series of events, until the closing of the event sunday 4 July (here the complete program), which will take place between Palazzo Vecchio, the Museo del Novecento, the Anconella Park and the Santa Maria Novella Complex,

The Italia Gentile movement was born during the period of the first lockdown from Covid-19 in 2020, inspired by the book "Biology of Kindness", written with four hands by Daniel Lumera and Immaculata De Vivo.

Hence the project of the Gentile Municipalities, an initiative aimed at encouraging the development of participating realities in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with the aim of enhancing the relationship between institution, citizen, territory and nature through the promotion of a new education in awareness and individual, relational and collective well-being with a high social impact.

Each municipality that adheres to the movement undertakes, therefore, to implement one or more projects annually for the concrete benefit of its territory and its community.


The Florentine DNA

"Our city hasin its DNA the value of kindness and this administration has always promoted initiatives that denote a strong sense of community and a great attention to active citizenship, participation and cohesion: a baggage of principles and actions that has been consolidated even more with the Covid-19 health emergency – explains the Deputy Mayor of Florence Alessia Bettini – We do not start from scratch, therefore, but with the desire to adhere to this Manifesto we want to put in black and white an ever greater commitment in this direction. A paradigm that we believe it is necessary to enhance even more, hence the idea of organizing the Festival with leading speakers to discuss closely and at 360 degrees how it is necessary and urgent to make these issues ours to better face the challenges of the future. The aim is to raise the focus on kindness as a value, even in language, and its social impact, to promote a profound conscious change in the individual and in society»


Additional info

Free admission with reservation required until available seats are exhausted.

It is necessary to show the receipt of the booking event at the entrance.

The events take place in full compliance with anti-COVID-19 regulations.


On the occasion of the Festival dell'Italia Gentile in Florence it is possible to visit the Civic Museums that welcome the event. For information and reservations on guided tours write to info@musefirenze.it or call 055–2768224.



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