How many times have you been told by grandparents that "too much is too much?

A figure of speech that has intrigued the Tuscan Accademia della Crusca

Too much is too much circulating in our Lexicon now for so long that have difficulty locating the origins, so I might as well tell the meaning!


Sometimes it is better to settle ...

A figure of speech only, used to indicate that the exaggeration is bad everywhere, or simply that the excesses do not always go well.

In Tuscany's example of wisdom for their ability to invite to the balance, not to make their mark and not to overdo it.


A saying so popular to arouse the interest of the note Accademia della Crusca

Its particularity pushed the Italian institution of philology and Linguistics of our country, to intervene to resolve the correctness of your writing. Despite the word Laming present in said is more correct, the right way to tell that remains too much is too much!


Careful not to blend in, keeping the original Made In Tuscany!

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