Gulf of Baratti and Populonia

Gulf of Baratti in Tuscany: the Caribbean sea

There is a spectacular place to take your breath away ...

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being in an exotic paradise without flying?

This is what happens if we visit the Gulf of Baratti, a stone's throw from Piombino.

The Gulf, which takes its name from the place Baal is a true Pearl characterized by clear waters and pristine beaches.

Is easily accessible and is situated between the Ligurian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea on the stretch that from Livorno to Grosseto.

In this magical place, nature, history and art come together to give life to a popular destination and at the same time affordable.

If you walk along the Gulf, heading south, we run into a real open air museum: the necropolis. This, located in the Parco archeologico di Baratti e Populonia, consists of several sites dating back to the seventh century BC, witnesses of the ancient Etruscan civilization.

The park covers about 80 hectares and was opened in 1998 to make visitable archaeological sites and excavations carried out in previous years.

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