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Films shot in Tuscany

Our best off

Here is the best guide to film locations shot in Tuscany, because traveling in itself is nice, but with a purpose it is even better and, in this case, the purpose is the best locations used by cinema since its dawn: even the Lumière brothers , on the other hand, came here to shoot the first steps of modern cinema.

Our region looks good on screen, but even better in real life, don't you think?

With its rolling green hills, coastlines, islands, medieval villages perched on hills, cities with an important past, it's no wonder that filmmakers choose wonderful Tuscany as their film set...

Here are the titles of the films and the provinces in Tuscany where they were shot. 


Siena and province

  • Quantum of Solace
  • I dance alone
  • Gladiator
  • The English patient
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • The Twilight Saga: New Moon
  • Nostalgia



The sixth film by Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, the first made outside the Soviet Union (the director was exiled due to the ostracism of the regime). Largely autobiographical, it describes the story of a Russian author who comes to Italy to read up on a musician, Maksim Sazontovic Berezovskij.

Location: Bagno Vignoni in Val D'Orcia, expressly mentioned in the dialogues of the film, as well as the well-known and recognizable church of San Galgano.

  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Brother Sun, Sister Moon


Lucca and province

  • Taste of the sea
  • The Marquis del Grillo
  • The Innocent
  • The triumph of love


Massa Carrara and province

  • Train sortant d'un tunnel
  • The road of the giants
  • Torment and ecstasy
  • 12 December


Florence and province

  • The calves
  • My friends
  • Much ado about nothing
  • Room with view


Room with view

In the early twentieth century the young English aristocrat Lucy is traveling in Italy with her older and stricter cousin Charlotte: everything proceeds normally until she arrives  to stay in Florence.

The exteriors are shot in the Pensione Quisisana, now Hotel degli Orafi, overlooking Via dei Girolami in Florence.

The interiors are those of Villa di Maiano in via del Salviatino 1, Maiano in Fiesole (FI). In the video several anecdotes are told: for example, the sight of when the protagonist opens the window overlooking the Lungarno... How was it done? In practice, they dismantled a window of the villa with an adjoining piece of wallpaper, reassembling it in the guesthouse room and then joining the two scenes.


  • Graduates
  • Portrait of a lady
  • Tea with Mussolini
  • Hannibal
  • The story of tales
  • The girls of San Frediano
  • Paisà
  • Caruso Pascoski
  • Stendhal syndrome


Pisa and province

  • Superman III
  • The gruff
  • The Little Devil
  • The night of San Lorenzo
  • Medea
  • Boccaccio 70


Livorno and province

  • Overtaking
  • Ovosode
  • N - Napoleon and I
  • Everyone at home
  • The first beautiful thing


Grosseto and province

  • We just have to cry
  • To the wolf to the wolf
  • The great beauty
  • Let's hope it's female
  • Pinocchio
  • Francis jester of God
  • The Archdevil
  • Amadeus
  • The talent of Mr. Ripley


Arezzo and province

  • Life is beautiful


Life is beautiful

A kind-hearted but clumsy waiter wins the heart of the woman he loves and creates a wonderful life for his young family, only to be challenged by the horrors of World War II.

The street where Guido (Benigni) is mistaken for King Vittorio Emanuele III, after the brakes of the car on which he was traveling, is located in Castiglion Fiorentino (Arezzo).

The bookshop always managed by the protagonist really exists: it is called Cartolibreria Orefice (the same surname as Benigni in the film) and is located in Arezzo.

  • Under the Tuscan sun
  • Certified copy


Are you planning a visit to our region? As we have shown you, there are so many films set in Tuscany that will help you get into the Tuscan spirit and  find inspiration for your trip or your trip out of town.



Image sources: Cinema Bianchini, Prime Video, RSI, Vogue-France, Youtube
