
“Si bubbola dal freddo” or “si zizzola dal freddo”

Here's how the Tuscans have cold

The linguistic diversity of our region is really wide and you notice even more in the ways of saying that change from city to city.

We wanted to collect all sorts of ways, more or less colorful, with which the Tuscans are cold.


For example, throughout Tuscany they say “si zizzola dal freddo”, “fa un freddo barbino”, “fa un freddo becco”, “si bubbola dal freddo”.


Florence, Pisa, Massa, Siena

"Fa un freddo buggerone" is typical of Florence as well as the expression "fa un freddo bubbone o birbone", and in the city of Dante "si batton le gazzette" (i.e. the teeth). In Pisa province "si pipa dal freddo", in Mugello they say "c’ho i bordoni", while mass is the phrase "a dighe me se diaccia".

In Siena and in Valdera "è diaccio" In Garfagnana is the cider and the cold "you assidrisce".



The cold in Tuscany's executioner, beast, grass snake, Toad, Monster, buggerone, buscherone, bussone.

The cold can be raw, lick, marmato, pinch, rio, hard. Finally the cold can only be "by dogs or wolves".


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