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Chianni is nestled between the mountains Vitalbo and jar, in the heart of the Valley crossed by the river and the river Was. The entire territory is composed of a dense wooded area and many cultivated lands from olives and vines in the Green Valdera. In the first half of the 17th century after the medieval battles between Volterra and Pisa, the town was conquered by Florence and became a fief of the Medici family.

The Florentines left untouched the architectural structure of Chianni, but built a beautiful church. The Cappella della Compagnia della Santissima Annunziata, is characterized by many mosaics and frescoes by Battista Tempesti, painter who decorated a room of Palazzo Pitti in Florence.


Traditions and Typical products

Tuscan specialties of Chianni bind the demonstrations in the area.

Chestnuts, wild boar and mushrooms from his vast wooded area, creating delicious recipes that are in the autumn festivals of country.


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