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Mood Tuscany is a company that produces fragrances for the craft environment located in Pontedera.

Present on the market since 1977, it differs from similar companies for the research and treatment of best essences that give sophisticated notes and fragrances unique and unmistakable.

Fragrances are almost totally of natural origin , and then with a low impact on the environment while respecting the territory.

Each product is made entirely by hand: it starts from the study of scent, then switched to its mixing and finally get to filling and packaging glass vaporizers.

Choosing a right fragrance is critical to the customer, because the sense of smell many times intense than other ways, evoking memories; for this reason the experts of Mood and create new products every day experiencing Tuscany, to satisfy every kind of nose.

The essences of the company of Pontedera range from fruity ones, suitable to the most experienced of the House, to those by Woody scents that can adapt to most offices or any other workplace.

Area territoriale



Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Zingiber"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Linum"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Fragrance Diffuser for environment "Pepper"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Maris"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Assenzio"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Cuoio e tabacco"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Citrus"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Uve rosse"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Amber"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Melograno"


€ 32,00

Mood Tuscany, fragranze per l'ambiente

Ambience Fragrance Diffuser "Fico verde"


€ 32,00
SI.DA.NI di Caglieri Stefano Via Liguria n.5 56025 Pontedera +39 0587 476703